Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award

Purpose of Award

In November 2008, the Board of Regents introduced the Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Awards for the academic institutions. The awards are a symbol of the importance placed on the provision of teaching and learning of the highest order. The awards are offered in recognition of those who serve our students in an exemplary manner and as an incentive for others who aspire to such service.

For more information, and newly revised criteria and selection process visit the UT System website.

Nomination Criteria

  • The ROTA program will focus on a commitment to teaching and delivering excellence to the learning experience through outstanding teaching including effectiveness, innovation, and creativity.
  • Potential indicators of excellence in teaching include, but are not limited to, the demonstrated enhancement of student learning through:
    • Developing innovations that are responsive to student needs.
    • Pursuing effectiveness, innovation, and creativity in the classroom, clinic, or setting in which teaching and learning take place.
    • Demonstrating the use of strategies that actively engage the learner.
    • Creating opportunities for experiential learning.
    • Using technology effectively.
    • Adapting teaching metods to improve teaching and learning.
    • Striving to learn and improve one's own teaching.
    • Being a leader in teaching and learning by having a positive impact on their colleagues' teaching.


  • Both tenured/tenure-track and fixed-term-track candidates are eligible.
  • Educators at the undergraduate or graduate level, including faculty supporting professional degree programs (i.e., J.D., M.D., M.Arch, etc.).
  • Faculty who have not previously received a ROTA award.

Timeline 2025

Phase I (Internal UTSA Process)

March 4, 2025:
Call for nominations from UT System

March 4, 2025:
Call for nominations from UTSA

March 21, 2025:
Deadline for colleges to email the names of their nominees  (maximum of 1 T/TT faculty, and 1 FTT faculty) to

Faculty Success will notify nominees to prepare application materials.

March 21, 2025:
Nominees will be contacted to start working on their nomination packets

April 11, 2025:
Deadline for Phase I nominees to submit required materials to

  1. Completed application form (maximum: 6 pages)
  2. CV that emphasizes teaching accomplishments (maximum: 15 pages)
  3. Teaching philosophy statement (maximum: 3 pages, 12 pt. font)

Phase II (Preparation for University System Nomination)

April 25, 2025:
Deadline for Selection Committee to determine UTSA’s candidates who will move on to Phase II (maximum of two nominees will be selected to move on to Phase II).

April 25, 2025 – May 23, 2025:
Phase II candidates develop and finalize their e-portfolios

May 30, 2025:
Deadline for UTSA to submit its nominee's completed e-portfolios to UT System


ROTA Website: Regents' Outstanding Teaching Awards | University of Texas System 

Phase I Nomination Form: ROTA Phase I Application 

Phase II Nomination Form: ROTA Application Form

Timeline 2023-2024

Phase I (Internal UTSA Process)

January 10, 2024:
Call for nominations from UT System

January 16, 2024:
Call for nominations from UTSA

February 22, 2024:
Deadline for colleges to email the names of their nominees (maximum of 1 T/TT faculty, and 1 FTT faculty) to

Faculty Success will notify nominees to prepare application materials.

February 26, 2024:
Nominees will be contacted top start working on their nomination packets

March 22, 2024:
Deadline for Phase I nominees to submit required materials to

  1. Completed application form (maximum: 6 pages)
  2. CV that emphasizes teaching accomplishments (maximum: 15 pages)
  3. Teaching philosophy statement (maximum: 3 pages, 12 pt. font)

Phase II (Preparation for University System Nomination)

April 5, 2024:
Deadline for Selection Committee to determine UTSA’s candidates who will move on to Phase II (maximum of two nominees will be selected to move on to Phase II).

April 8, 2024 - May 8, 2024:
Phase II candidates develop and finalize their e-portfolios

May 29, 2024:
Deadline for UTSA to submit its nominee's completed e-portfolios to UT System

Past Recipients


Matthias Hofferberth | Department of Political Science and Geography | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Rebecca Schroeder | Multidisciplinary Studies Program | University College


Nehal Abu-Lail | Department of Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering | Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design


Gina Amatangelo | Department of Public Administration | College for Health, Community and Policy
Luca Pozzi | Department of Anthropology | College of Liberal and Fine Arts


Nazgol Bagheri | Department of Political Science & Geography | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Jodi Peterson  | Department of History | College of Liberal and Fine Arts


Stacey Davis | Department of Music | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Dixie Shaw-Tillmon  | Writing Program | University College


T. Jackie Cuevas | Department of English | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Jennifer Dilley | Department of History | College of Liberal and Fine Arts


Hector R. Aguilar | Department of Chemistry | College of Sciences
Ian Caine | Department of Architecture | College of Archictecture, Construction and Planning
Jill Fleuriet | Department of Anthropology | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Patricia Sánchez | Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies | College of Education and Human Development


Matthew McCarter | Department of Management | College of Business


Kathryn Brown | Department of Anthropology | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Kirsten Gardner | Department of History | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Patricia Jaramillo | Department of Public Administration | College of Public Policy
Jerome Keating | Department of Management Science & Statistics | College of Business
Ram Krishnan | Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | College of Engineering
Deborah Moon Wagner | Department of Anthropology | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Valerie Sponsel | Department of Biology | College of Sciences


Dennis Davis | Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching | College of Education and Human Development
Eugene John | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering
Hazem Rashed-Ali | Department of Architecture | College of Architecture
Bruce Rudy | Department of Management | College of Business


Mark Leung | Department of Management Science and Statistics | College of Business
Lindsay Ratcliffe | Writing Program | University College
David Ray Vance | Department of English | College of Liberal and Fine Arts


Aaron Cassill | Department of Biology | College of Sciences
David Han | Department of Management Science and Statistics | College of Business
Randall Manteufel | Department of Mechanical Engineering | College of Engineering
Elizabeth Pate | Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching | College of Education and Human Development
Can Saygin | Department of Mechanical Engineering | College of Engineering
Heather Shipley | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | College of Engineering
Daniel Tablada | Department of Marketing | College of Business


John Alexander | Department of Architecture | College of Architecture
Mark Allen | Department of English | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Karen Dodwell | Department of English | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Daniel Engster | Department of Political Science and Geography | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Janis Harmon | Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching | College of Education and Human Development
Amy Jasperson | Department of Political Science and Geography | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Ermine Orta | Department of Management Science and Statistics | College of Business


Diane Abdo | Department of English | College of Liberal and Fine Art / Writing Program | University College
Sazzad Bin-Shafique | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | College of Engineering
Thomas Cannon | Department of Marketing | College of Business
Kolleen Guy | Department of History | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Maria Kaylor | Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching | College of Education and Human Development
Alycia Maurer | Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching | College of Education and Human Development
Mary McNaughton-Cassill | Department of Psychology | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
John Morris | Department of Political Science and Geography | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Richard Utecht | Department of Marketing | College of Business


Richard Gambitta | Department of Political Science and Geography | College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Chunjiang Qian | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering