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Faculty Senate By Laws



The Faculty Senate is an elected legislative and deliberative body whose primary purpose is to represent the UTSA faculty. The Faculty Senate reviews and formulates policy and enacts legislation on all matters pertaining to the professional concerns, duties, standards, ethics, responsibilities, prerequisites, and work conditions of the UTSA faculty, as well as matters relating to academic freedom and equity for the faculty. The Faculty Senate acts to amend or approve changes to the Handbook of Operating Procedures.

The Faculty Senate represents the faculty of UTSA to the UTSA Administration, the University of Texas System Administration, the Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, and such other parties as may be appropriate or necessary.

  1. The Faculty Senate shall determine its own rules and procedures for meetings, votes, resolutions and other legislative matters within its purview.
  2. According to Rules and Regulations of The University of Texas System Board of Regents, the Faculty Senate shall have authority to make recommendations to the President and the Provost concerning the following:
    1. General academic policies, welfare and all matters relating to teaching, research, and faculty service.
    2. Requirements for admission and graduation.
    3. Honors and scholastic performance.
    4. Approval of candidates for degrees.
    5. Faculty rules of procedure.
  3. The Graduate Council shall be an operating unit of the Faculty Senate, reporting its recommendations to the Senate as a whole; however, it shall have separate representation and operate according to its own bylaws.

Approved 5/3/2018

Comments or questions to Sarah Soulek