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Faculty Senate By Laws



  1. Unless the Executive Committee otherwise determines, the Order of Business at all meetings of the Senate shall be as follows:
    1. Call to order and taking of attendance
    2. Approval of minutes
    3. Reports
      1. Chair of the Faculty Senate
      2. Secretary of the General Faculty
      3. Committees (in order of action needed)
      4. Other reports (Provost, etc.)
    4. Unfinished Business
    5. New Business
    6. Open Forum
    7. Adjournment
  2. Robert's Rules of Order shall be the standard for parliamentary procedure at all meetings of the Faculty Senate. Suspension of the Rules of Order requires a majority vote.
  3. Questions of interpretation of Rules and Procedure shall be determined by the Parliamentarian of the Faculty Senate.
  4. A motion to record a vote shall be granted only if seconded by one member of the Senate.
  5. Voting procedure will follow Robert's Rules of Order. Votes shall be taken viva voce or by a show of hands during meetings unless a written ballot is requested. Voting may be conducted electronically at the descretion of the Chair of the Faculty Senate. Electronic voting will follow a two-tiered process: (1) senators will be asked if they vote for or against electronic voting on the case at hand and (2) senators will be asked to vote on the case at hand. If a minimum of five senators vote against the electronic voting procedure, the vote will be tabled until the next regular or special meeting of the Senate. A quorum for an electronic vote will be established by the receipt of votes from 50 percent of the Faculty Senate membership. Voting will be conducted using an online system.

Approved 5/3/2018

Comments or questions to Sarah Soulek