
College of Education and Human Development

Faculty Publications

Bansal A, Dai Q, Chiao YA, Hakala KW, Zhang JQ, Weintraub SE, Lindsey ML. Proteomic Analysis Reveals Late Exercise Effects on Cardiac Remodeling Following Myocardial Infarction Journal of Proteomics 2010; 73; 2041-2049.

Bowers, A.J. (2010) Toward Addressing the Issues of Site Selection in District Effectiveness Research: A 2-Level Hierarchical Linear Growth Model. Educational Administration Quarterly,46(3), 395-425. doi:10.1177/0013161 X10375271

Barnett, B. G., & Jacobson, S. L. (2010). Higher education partnerships for studying and improving leadership preparation and development around the world. In F. Maringe & N. Foskett (Eds.), Globalisation and Internationalisation in Higher Education (pp. 255-276). London: Continuum International Publishing Group

Bibeau, W.S., Moore, J.B., Mitchell, N. G., Vargas-Tonsing, T.M., & Bartholomew, J.B. (2010). Effects of acute resistance training of different intensities and rest periods onanxiety and affect. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24, 2184-2191.

Bonner, E.P. (2011). Unearthing Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching: The Legacy of Gloria Jean Merriex. Hamilton Books: Lanham MD. Promoting culturally responsive teaching through action research in a mathematics methods course. Journal of Mathematics and Culture, 5(2), 16-33.

Bowers, A.J. (2010) Analyzing the Longitudinal K-12 Grading Histories of Entire Cohorts of Students: Grades, Data Driven Decision Making, Dropping Out and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation (PARE), 15(7), 1-18. http://pareonline.net/pdf/v15n7.pdf. Analyzing the Longitudinal K-12 Grading Histories of Entire Cohorts of Students: Grades, Data Driven Decision Making, Dropping Out and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation (PARE), 15(7), 1-18. http:// pareonline.net/pdf/v15n7.pdf

Bowers, A.J., Murakami-Ramalho, E. (2010) The Research Journal Club: Pedagogy of Research in the Preparation of Students in Educational Leadership. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 5(10), 335-356.

Coryell, J.E., Clark, M.C., & Pomerantz, A. (2010). Cultural fantasy narratives and heritage language learning: A case study of adult, heritage learners of Spanish. The Modern Language Journal, 94(3), 453-469. Adult computerassisted language learning: Best practices from research and the field. Texas Adult & Family Literacy Quarterly. 14(4), 8-9.

DeLeon, A & Ross, E.W. (2010) Critical Theories, Pedagogies, and Social Education: Towards New Perspectives for the Social Studies. Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishers.

Ek, L.D., Machado-Casas, M., Sanchez, P. & Alanis, I. (in press). Crossing Cultural Borders: La Clase Mágica as a university-school partnership. Journal of School Leadership, 20(6).
“I don’t belong here”: Chicanas/Latinas at a Hispanic Serving Institution creating community through muxeristamentoring.” Equity & Excellence in Education, 43(4).

Flores, B. B.,Casebeer, C. M. & Riojas-Cortez, M. (in press, 2011) Validation of the Early Childhood Ecology Scale-Revised: A reflective tool for Teacher Candidates. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education.

Flores, B. B. & Riojas-Cortez, M. (2010). Measuring Early Childhood Teacher Candidates’ Conceptualizations of a Culturally Responsive Classroom Ecology. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 44(2), 4-13.

Flores, M.M., Beyer, R., & Vargas- Tonsing, T.M. (2010). Youth sport coaches’ attitudes towards the use of the Spanish language in coaching and within coaching education. Applied Coaches and Athletics Manual, 25, 91-104.

Garcia-Dominic O, Wray LA, Ledikwe JH, Mitchell DC, Ventura AK, Hernandez AE, Yin Z, Trevino RP, Ulbrecht JS. (2010) Accuracy of Self-Reported Energy Intakes in Low-Income Urban 4th Grade Minority Children, Obesity.

Grimstvedt M., Oswalt S., Kerr J., Fogt D, Vargas-Tonsing T, Yin Z. (2010). Using Signage to Promote Stair Use on a University Campus in Hidden and Visible Stairwells, Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 7, 232-238.

Hult, F.M. (2010). The complexity turn in educational linguistics. Language, Culture & Curriculum, 23 (3), 173-177.

Jago R, Drews KL, McMurray RG, Thompson D, Volpe SL, Moe EL, Jakicic JM, Pham TH, Bruecker S, Blackshear TB, Yin Z. (2010). Fatness, fitness, and cardiometabolic risk factors among sixth-grade youth. Medical Science Sports Exercise, 42(8):1502-10.

Juhnke, G. A., & Yu, F. (2010). An interview with Larry Golden: Long-time marriage and family counselor and counselor educator. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 18(3), 321-323.

Juhnke, G. A. (2010). The DANGERTOME Personal Risk Threat Assessment Scale: An Instrument to help aid immediate threat assessment for counselors, faculty, and teachers. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 5(2), 177-191.

Karcher, M. J., & Nakkula, M. J. (Eds.) (2010). Play, talk, learn: Promising practices in youth mentoring. In G. G. Noam, Series Editor, New Directions for Youth Development, 126. Belmont, MA: Jossey-Bass. (This monograph includes two chapters by Professor Karcher:). Youth mentoring with a balanced focus, shared purpose, and collaborative interactions. In M.J. Karcher & M.J. Nakkula (Eds.), Play, talk, learn: Promising practices in youth mentoring (pp. 13-32). Belmont, MA: Jossey-Bass.

Karcher, M. J., Herrera, C., & Hansen, K. (2010).”I dunno, what do you wanna do?”: Testing a framework to guide mentor training and activity selection. In M.J. Karcher & M.J. Nakkula (Eds.), Play, Talk, Learn: Promising Practices in Youth Mentoring (pp. 51-70). Belmont, MA: Jossey-Bass.

Karcher, M.J. & Sass, D. (2010). A multicultural assessment of adolescent connectedness: Testing measurement invariance across gender and ethnicity. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 57(3), 274-280.

Marcus MD, Baranowski T, DeBar LL, Edelstein S, Kaufman FR, Schneider M, Siega-Riz AM, Staten MA, Virus A, and Yin Z for the HEATLHTY study group (in press). Severe Obesity and selected risk factors in a sixth grade multiracial cohort: the HEALTHY study, Journal of Adolescent Health.

Miranda, M. (2011). Stereotype and moral panics: Images of Girlz in gangs. In S. Tozer, B. Gallegos, A. Henry, M. Greiner, and P. Price (Eds.), Handbook of Research in the Social Foundations of Education. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.: New York, NY.

Murakami-Ramalho, E., Byng, J., Garza, E., & Thompson, D.P. (2010). Reforming preparation programs for leadership improvement: The case of Texas. Journal of School Leadership, 20, 404-424.

Oliva, M. (2010). Imprints of youth: Anamnesis and conscientización across generations. La Voz de Esperanza, 23 (7), 5-6.

Quijada Cerecer, P.D., Ek, L., Alanis, I., & Murakami Ramalho, E. (in press). Transformative Resistance as Agency: Chicanas/Latinas (Re) Creating Academic Spaces. Journal of the Professoriate, 5(1).

Quijada Cerecer, P.D., Alvarez Gutiérrez, L., & Rios, F. (2010). Critical multiculturalism: Transformative educational principles and practices. In T. Chapman, & N. Hobbel, Social Justice Pedagogy Across the Curriculum: The Practice of Freedom (pp. 144-163). Routlege.

Riojas-Cortez. (2011). Parents as Partners in Education. New York: Merrill.

Riojas-Cortez, M. & Flores, B. B. (2010). Música, versos y juegos: Familias Latinas desarrollando el lenguaje oral con sus niños Novedades Educativas:Publicación de Nivel General y Educación, 22(230), 46-49. (Journal published in Bueños Aires, Argentina)

Riojas-Cortez, M., & Flores, B. B. (2009). Supporting preschoolers’ social development in school through funds of Knowledge. The Journal of Early Childhood Research, 7(2), 185-199. (This article was listed in the Top 25 Most-Read Articles on early childhood research by SAGE Publications during August 2010.)

Sánchez, P. (2010).“In between Oprah and Cristina”: Urban Latina youth producing a countertext with participatory action research. Social Justice, 36(4), 54-68.

Shores KA, Moore JB, & Yin Z. (2010). An Examination of Triple Jeopardy in Rural Youth Physical Activity Participation. The Journal of Rural Health, 1-9.

Shoho, A. R., Barnett, B. G., & Tooms, A. K. (Eds.) (2010). The challenges for new principals in the 21st century: Developing leadership capabilities through professional support. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Smith, H.L., & Riojas-Cortez, M. (2010). “Cartitas de cariño: Little notes to say you care”. Language Arts, 88(2), 125-134.

Tafolla, S., Tafolla, C., & Tafolla, L. (Eds.) (2010). A life crossing borders: Memoir of a Mexican- American confederate; Las memorias de un mexicoamericano en la Confederacion. Houston, TX: Arte Publico Press.

Wright, W. E. (2010). Khmer language use in Cambodian American communities. In J. H. X. Lee (Ed.), Cambodian American experiences: Histories, communities, cultures, and identity (pp. 162-179). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. (2010) The great divide between federal education policy and our national need for bilingual citizens. Speaking in Tongues Blog. Retrieved from http://speakingintonguesfilm.info/guest-blogs/the-great-divide-between-federal-education-policy-and-our-national-need-for-bilingual-citizens/

Xu X, Zhao W, Wan W, Ji LL, Powers AS, Erikson JM, and Zhang JQ. Training combined with angiotensin II receptor blockade reduces oxidative stress after myocardial infarction in rats. Experimental Physiology. 2010; 95,1008-1015.

Xu X, Zhao W, Lao S, Wilson BS, Erikson JM, and Zhang JQ. Effects of exercise and L-arginine on ventricular remodeling and Oxidative Stress. Medical Science Sports Exercise. 2010;42, 346-354.