Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

April 2011, Issue 8

True Colors

True Colors logo

True Colors Training--Staff

Training for Academic Year Completed!

True Colors helps us communicate with the world around us – from co-workers and students to our families and friends. For you animal lovers out there, True Colors has expanded to include your family dog. Canine Colors has developed to match your dog’s personality to the colors of the True Colors spectrum. If you are contemplating adding a new dog to your family you might just use the True Colors approach to finding the perfect fit for you and your family. Or simply learn more about the dog(s) in your life. has provided the following insight into the color spectrum of dogs. They also are developing a list breeds most closely associated with a True Color!

Read about your Canine's Colors

Sources: True Colors International and Canine Colors

Look who knows their color!

Future plans include new offerings on a variety of topics such as 'peaceful Colors'. Look for these soon.

Any comments? Please send to

Four C's

Four Cs logo

Spring 2011 Training Schedule

Four C’s (see notification attached)
April 25, 2011
1:30 – 5:00
UC Harris Room, UC 2.212