Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

April 2017, Issue 4

True Colors

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True Colors Training--Staff

North Carolina State, Old Dominion, SUNY Buffalo, Auburn, Enterprize-Ozark Community College, University of Tennessee Knoxville, University of Central Oklahoma, Seattle University, Ohio University, Morehead State, University of Missouri, Drexel University, and the list goes on. True Colors seems to be ever more widely adopted as a tool for enhancing communication and community on campuses across the nation - to the extent that it’s now enhancing communication between campuses. Campus Recreation just had an Assistant Director candidate from Texas A&M deliver an enthusiastic presentation highlighting the potential of True Colors as a student staff training tool. He had participated in True Colors training on his campus and came prepared to walk us through the color sorting exercise. (And by the way please welcome him, Andrew Chadick, as our new Assistant Director of Campus Recreation overseeing Intramural Sports!) His familiarity with our “common language” helped us fast-forward into a productive discussion about training for students. The situation also suggests the extent to which being versed in the color perspective model has value on one’s resume. I say that we should take pride in the ways in which UTSA is helping to grow this trend in True Colors utilization on college and university campuses, especially in how extensively we have and continue to implement it, and that we should keep looking to how it can serve us as a means of finding clarity and shared understandings in our daily work and in our relationships. Eliot Howard Assistant Director Campus Recreation - Outdoor Pursuits

True Colors Training Schedule for Staff ----- Fall 2011

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Fall 2011 Training Schedule-----------DATE PENDING