Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

December 2011, Issue 25

True Colors

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With 2012 just around the corner some of us have already begun thinking of our New Year’s resolution. For a large number of people that resolution will be the illusive lose weight and eat healthy, but what about our attitude health? How difficult is it to look at the situations in our work and home life with a positive attitude? If we viewed more aspects of our life positively how much difference would it make in our happiness and satisfaction with life? Here’s to 2012 and a new attitude!

Alter Your Life by Your Attitude
by Mary Miscisin

How important is your attitude? Can it affect what you might do in a situation? How you might react or what you might say? Can it affect your mood or your thinking?

You may already realize the importance of your attitude and i's influence on so many aspects of your life. So what can you do to make sure your attitude supports the experience you want to have?

It's interesting how two people in the same situation can have a totally different experience. Sylvia and Jack were invited to a friend's wedding. At the mere thought of going to a wedding Sylvia's mood began to plummet. "Weddings are so boring and tiresome. I have to figure out what to wear, the food is usually terrible, we have to dance to the same tacky wedding music they have at all weddings and make idle chit-chat with strangers. Do we have to go?"

In contrast, Jack was thrilled and excited with anticipation about the wedding. "I love weddings! It's a chance to dress in my best duds, free food, free booze, dancing all night, interesting people. What a blast! I can't wait!"

With the difference in their attitudes, do you suppose they would experience the same event quite differently? Sylvia goes to weddings looking for terrible food, listening for the "tacky" music and rolling her eyes at the forced conversation with strangers. And this is what she finds. All the while Jack enjoys free food, has fun dancing, and makes new friends.

If you recognize that your attitude may have started to spiral towards a frame of mind you'd rather not be in, pause and clarify what you want instead. Ask yourself these three questions:



Mary Miscisin is the author of SHOWING OUR TRUE COLORS, A Fun, Easy Guide for Understanding and Appreciating Yourself and Others.
(c) 2002 Mary Miscisin, All Rights Reserved.
Permission to duplicate this article is granted ONLY with the copyright and contact information intact.

True Colors Upcoming Training --

  • True Colors Training Schedule for STAFF (SD 410) ---- SPRING 2012

    Training Schedule for Spring 2012 ----- see attached schedule

  • True Colors Training Schedule for Student Affairs STUDENT employees (SD 417) -- SPRING 2012

    Training Schedule for Spring 2012 ----- see attached schedule

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Four C's

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Four C’s Training Schedule for STAFF   (SD 415) – SPRING 2012

Training Schedule for Spring 2012------see attached schedule