Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

June 2012, Issue 13

True Colors

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A Brief Conversation About True Colors

Where has the time gone?

June is just about finished and we’re heading into July. We think of July as red, white and blue. How about we add Gold, Orange, Green and Blue? Are you using the True Colors language in your area? If you haven’t done this in a while, try it. During a conversation, weave in a True Colors compliment: “That was very blue of you. Thank you!” If you notice someone being green, in other words, being inquisitive or looking at the big picture to help solve a problem let them know. “Wow, your green is really bright.” Let’s say you want to brighten your orange, ask someone to lunch you may not normally see. It’s spontaneous and it will certainly surprise them. When was the last time you cleaned your office? Brighten your gold and organize a part of your work space you’ve been meaning to do. July can be a slow month for some areas on campus so add a little True Colors to your space. The brightening can be contagious.

Mary Miscisin is the author of SHOWING OUR TRUE COLORS, A Fun, Easy Guide for Understanding and Appreciating Yourself and Others.

(c) 2005 Mary Miscisin, All Rights Reserved Permission to duplicate this article is granted ONLY with the copyright and contact information intact.

True Colors Upcoming Training --

True Colors Training Schedule for STAFF (SD 410) ---- FALL 2012

Training Schedule for Fall 2012 ----- see attached schedule

True Colors Training Schedule for Student Affairs STUDENT employees (SD 417) -- FALL 2012

Training Schedule for Fall 2012 ----- see attached schedule

Any comments? Please send to

Four C's

Four Cs logo

Four C’s Training Schedule for STAFF   (SD 415) – FALL 2012

Training Schedule for Fall 2012------see attached schedule