Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

September 2014, Issue 9


Thank You Rowdy Recognition

Thank You Rowdy

For over five years, Thank You Rowdy has been traveling across the Division of Student Affairs recognizing staff for their commitment, unique skills, expertise, support and leadership. This simple and inexpensive recognition program has been an effective and exciting way to highlight and celebrate the contributions Student Affairs staff members make toward fulfilling our vision, mission and core values.

The Thank You Rowdy recognition program virtually runs itself. Each recipient has the special privilege of selecting who receives Thank You Rowdy next. In the past, Thank You Rowdy surprised new recipients on a bi-weekly basis. He now travels monthly across the division recognizing staff for their excellent service.

Thank You Rowdy Seal

In September of 2007, the first recipient of Thank You Rowdy was Sam Gonzales, back when he was Associate Vice President for Administration and Student Services.

Recently, Sam Gonzales, Vice President of Student Affairs, began a new tradition in Student Affairs by honoring recipients from the past academic year at the Thank You Rowdy appreciation breakfast. Also a new Thank You Rowdy pin was also announced. This pin serves as a symbol of the essential and good work that is happening in Student Affairs and will be given to all recipients, past, present and future.

Submitted by —
Carol Gonzalez
Student Ombudsperson

For more information about Thank You Rowdy including recipients and their appreciation messages, visit

Interested in learning more about recognition efforts in Student Affairs, check out the Awards and Recognition Team web page, and please contact Cristina Dominguez to join the team.