Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

September 2014, Issue 9

Social Media Tips


Think about our social media platforms as our front desk. Ask yourself how much training, strategy and planning goes into getting our front line ready with all the answers. Your social media platforms should not be any different. Invest the time to see an amazing return in terms of student engagement. Here are just a few ways to get started:

  • Read social media more often. Sure it is “someone” in your area’s job to develop content for social media, but try asking everyone to contribute. We all have great things to say.
  • Cultivate content. Consider things to say, pictures to view, from all parts of your department; not just the aspect working closest with students.
  • Have conversations. Posting your information without replying to individuals is the same thing as a bulletin board. Instead, have several conversations each day for maximum impact.
  • Enjoy it. Our students' thoughts and perspectives are closer than ever. We know how they feel in a few key strokes. Respond to their questions, concerns and celebration. Enjoy how easy it makes our work.

How are you implementing social media platforms to provide better customer service and student success? You could see your idea here. Send us an email with your ideas.

Jan McKinney
Director of Communications,
Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs