Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

September 2015, Issue 9

Social Media Tips

Periscope 101

A picture is worth a thousand words, but live video can take you someplace and show you around. This past March, Twitter purchased and relaunched the Periscope app, and it's everywhere!

Periscope can be useful (and fun), so jump in and check it out. Here are a few tips to help get you started:

  • Watch first. Don't feel forced to broadcast right away. Get a general feel for the platform. This will help you become more comfortable doing your own scope.
  • Emojis are your friends. Periscope is the place to utilize relevant emojis to your scope title to make it stand out on the feed. You'll get more viewers, have more fun and probably get more ♥ ♥ ♥ !
  • KISS. Keep It Simple & Short. When you're ready to broadcast, don't feel the need to create a feature film. A few minutes is all you need to attract viewers, engage, get your message across and say goodbye.
  • Prepare & Practice. Before you broadcast, jot down a few points you don't want to forget. If you want to broadcast an interview or similar, do a practice run first. You get better with each time!
  • Have fun. Seriously...have fun with Periscope!

Submitted by —
Leigh Darilek
Assistant Director of Communications,
Campus Recreation