Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

December 2015, Issue 12

Thank You Rowdy visiting with Melissa Jackson

To: Melissa Jackson, Administrative Services Officer I, Enrollment Services
From:   Brendan Nadeau, Administrative Associate II, Enrollment Services

Thank You Rowdy Award Presentation with Recipient's Department

I present Rowdy to Melissa Jackson for her dedication and hard work, as demonstrated throughout my everyday interactions with her. She hit the ground running ever since she started working here in early 2014.

I have always been able to get help from her when I needed it, and she has been instrumental in helping the transition of Enrollment Services into a larger and comprehensive organization in Student Affairs. From reconciling Pro Cards to making spaghetti for the office, Melissa has always been there working for the staff, and has always come through.

I therefore hand over Thank You Rowdy to you, Melissa — it is great working with you!

Thank You Rowdy Award Recipient

bulletSee previous Thank You Rowdy Recipients