2021 Seminars

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held in BSE 2.102.

January 29, 2021

Dr. Don Perovich, Dartmouth College

MOSAiC: Observing and Understanding the New Arctic Ocean

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Location: Virtual Seminar | Time: 12:30 pm

February 26, 2021

Dr. Sonya Legg, Princeton University

Dense Bottom Currents in the High-Latitude Ocean and their Representation in Climate Models

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Location: Virtual Seminar | Time: 12:00 pm

April 30, 2021

Dr. Grant Macdonald, UTSA

An Investigation of Ice Shelf Surface Hydrology and Its Implications for Ice-Shelf Stability: An Analysis of the Amundsen Sea Polynya

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Location: Virtual Seminar | Time: 12:00 pm

May 7, 2021

Dr. Chang Hsin Chen, UTSA

Turbulent Budgets in Natural Thermal Plumes

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Location: Virtual Seminar | Time: 12:00 pm

October 28, 2021

Dr. Alan Whittington, UTSA

Calorimetry for Extreme Environments: Spontaneous Reheating of Lava and Other Case Studies

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Time: 3:00 pm

October 29, 2021

Dr. Daniel Pineda, UTSA

Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for Quantitative Measurements in Extreme Environments

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Time: 11:00 am

November 4, 2021

Dr. Ralph Kahn, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Desert Dust, Wildfire Smoke, Volcanic Ash, Urban Pollution—Satellite Contributions Toward Grasping the Role Particles Play in Global Climate and Regional Air Quality

flyer »
Time: 11:00 am

December 1, 2021

Dr. Maddie Smith, University of Washington

Interactions of Upper Ocean and Sea Ice in the Arctic Ocean

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Time: 2:00 pm