Project Summary

An integrated Earth system field research component will be developed to incorporate into the science curriculum. Objectives are to (1) work with a high school and two of its feeder middle schools to develop teacher?teams capable of incorporating an integrated Earth system field component into their curriculum; (2) establish a challenging and exciting environment where teachers and students conduct inquiry?based science by addressing questions they formulate themselves; (3) develop an appropriate curriculum built around integrated Earth system field research; (4) involve students and teachers in research that they may present at a UTSA sponsored research conference; and (5) provide opportunities for faculty in the sciences and education to conduct research: students using the field site will contribute to faculty research through data collection (in the case of the sciences) and as participants in education research.

Nine teachers representing science and mathematics will be selected for the project; six from middle schools and three from a high school. Teachers will be trained over a five?month period in field and laboratory methods in disciplines that include archeology, ecology, environmental science, geoscience, and microbiology; emphasis will be placed upon critical thinking and developing hypotheses based upon observations. With this background, teachers will take their classes into the field a minimum of three times for data and sample collection. Data will be recorded on maps developed by students using global positioning satellite receivers and Arcview Explorer GIS software. Students will publish their data on a web site and present their research results at a conference developed for the project.

This project will have significant impact on the students and teachers involved. There will be improvement in critical thinking skills, proposing hypotheses based upon observations, communication skills, and understanding the linkages between Earth systems. In addition, there will develop a greater enthusiasm for, and understanding of, the sciences.

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