

Roadrunners Student Alumni Association “Bird Feeders” Program

“Bird Feeders” is a program that connects current The University of Texas at San Antonio students with alumni and adds a personal touch to the UTSA experience for today's students. Alumni host students for small dinner parties, bringing Roadrunners together in a warm, friendly environment for good food, conversation and camaraderie.

It’s much more than a meal.

The goal of this program goes well beyond providing good food and conversation. The Bird Feeders dinner gives students the opportunity to network with UTSA alumni and find out about life after college, and learn about the career fields they plan to pursue upon graduation. It also offers a chance for students to get a feel for the extended UTSA family, and to see how they can stay involved and connected with UTSA after they graduate.

How do I participate?

The program format is simple. Alumni are invited to host dinners for approximately 6-10 Roadrunners. These gatherings can be as formal – or as casual – as the host desires, and can take place in your home, outdoors or at a restaurant. Dinners can range from a catered affair to a backyard barbeque. In fact, it doesn’t have to be dinner at all – lunch or breakfast will do just fine. We can invite students from a particular field or invite a broad spectrum of students. As the host, you get to decide!

To host a gathering, complete a host application form by clicking here. Someone from the Roadrunner Student Alumni Association will contact you to discuss further details.

What kind of support will I receive from the Roadrunner Student Alumni Association?

Alumni need only sign up to host a dinner, select a location, decide upon the number of guests and plan the menu. A member of the Roadrunner Student Alumni Association staff will make the invitation arrangements, coordinate RSVPs and provide giveaways.

Everyone wins.

The program can be as rewarding for the alumni hosts as it is for the students. As a participant, you will help to make UTSA a smaller, friendlier place for students, bridging the gap between current UTSA students and alumni. This is the perfect opportunity to share your experiences with fellow members of the UTSA community. Alumni who participate will be given in-kind gift credit for the cost of providing the dinner.

Bird Feeder application form