Student Emergency Fund Application


The University of Texas at San Antonio Student Emergency Fund is available to UTSA students in need because of an emergency, thanks to generous donations from university students, parents, alumni and faculty and staff.

This fund is for limited financial assistance when students are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses because of temporary hardship related to an emergency situation. Grants may be are counted as income and subject to federal taxes.

To ensure as many students as possible can be assisted, most grants are limited to less than $500, unless there are extraordinary circumstances.

Types of Covered Expenses

There are ranges of incidents that may incur financial hardships. Typical expenses that may be covered include but are not limited to:

  • Medications/prescriptions or costs related to medical care
  • Assistance with rent or utilities due to emergency situation*
  • Books, fees or other school-related expenses
  • Safety related needs (i.e. changing a lock on vehicle or home)
  • Replacement of personal belongings due to fire or natural disaster

*Due to COVID-19, the Student Emergency Fund committee will not be prioritizing rent and utilities at this time because of the executive orders halting evictions from rental units and utilities not cutting services. We are monitoring changes and will change prioritization based on local, state, and federal mandates.

Other Resources for Relief Due to COVID-19

Student Emergency Fund Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be a currently enrolled student at The University of Texas at San Antonio and have temporary financial hardship resulting from an emergency situation
  • Other possible resources have been considered and are not available or insufficient
  • Be able to provide sufficient documentation of financial hardship

Application Process

  • Applications must be completed and submitted by a current UTSA student. Funds are only granted to student recipients and applications received from other sources will not be considered. Contact Wellbeing Services via email at or call 210-458-4958 for more information.
  • Click here to complete your application.
  • If approved, you will be notified of the grant amount and when the money will be deposited in your account.

To ensure as many students as possible can be assisted, most grants are limited to less than $500 unless there are extraordinary circumstances.

Staff Discretion

Decisions regarding distributions of monies from the Student Emergency Fund will be made on a case-by-case basis and will be made by the Wellbeing Services staff.


For additional information or questions about the Student Emergency Fund contact Wellbeing Services via email at or call 210.458.4140 for more information.