Ithuba in the News

Project teams UTSA and South Africa                                                             
Melissa Ludwig--Express-News, December 08, 2007

“Stories are now textbooks for children, thanks to a $5 million federal grant initiative led by Misty Sailors, an education professor at UTSA.  It’s the universities largest international grant ever.  The money is being used to write, edit, publish, and distribute about 2 million textbooks in South Africa.  Vusi Malindi, chief illustrator for the books, and several other South African educators were in San Antonio visiting schools and helping Sailors plot the next steps in the ITHUBA Writing Project.

ITHUBA has empowered teachers in remote stretches of South Africa to write in their mother tongue about experiences that ring true to their pupils.  The project also has lesson for American classrooms struggling to teach children who don’t speak English.  To see what bilingual education in America looks like, the South African educators visited Storm and Bonham elementary schools in the San Antonio school district.

“When we initially started, we were quite unsure of what would come out of it,” said Bertus Mathee, of the nongovernmental organization READ Educational Trust.  “I think the quality of books and teacher guides are ver high-quality and can compete with any other publishers’ books out there on the market.”

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