
Student Conduct and Community Standards addresses student behavior related to the UTSA campuses and provides due process to individuals experiencing the student conduct process. 

E.P.I.C. Journey Sanctioning Model

The E.P.I.C. Journey is a unique, collaborative, strategy addressing violations of community standards by assessing skill sets in four areas; engagement with the university, personal development, interpersonal development, and community membership.

The E.P.I.C. Journey philosophy was developed at UTSA, and entails giving students a question-based assessment during their educational meeting, developing sanctions, utilizing motivational interviewing to develop the confidence to change, assigning a mentor to develop engagement, and implementing programming that reinforces the desired skill sets. This holistic approach forms an intentional and personal journey aimed at transforming decision-making patterns.


Students experiencing the conduct process after a violation are often connected with an E.P.I.C. Journey. The E.P.I.C. Journey is part of their conduct sanction and designed to improve individual skill sets needed for academic and personal success. One of the sanctions designed to enhance their educational experiences includes visiting with an E.P.I.C. Mentor. The mentor is able to share campus resources, personal expertise, and professional experiences with the student that can motivate them toward a deeper understanding of how to access and use campus resources to support their success and academic retention.

Active Sanctions

Educational sanctions that require participation or action on the part of the student are referred to as active sanctions. Effective sanctioning or "designing the journey" employs the use of combining active and inactive sanctions. Collaboration across UTSA and the community is vital to the success of the E.P.I.C. Journey.

Our goal is to partner with offices and agencies to create unique and valuable experiences for students referred for alleged violations of the UTSA Student Code of Conduct. Your office can be involved by suggesting an active sanction. An active sanction can be attending a program or interview, or an experience or service your office provides that you think students might find beneficial.

If your organization or department is interested in learning more about hosting or recommending active sanctions, please email