Enterprise Service Management


Enterprise Service Management (ESM) at the University of Texas at San Antonio is a comprehensive approach to managing and delivering IT services across the university. 



A frequently asked question is, what exactly is a service? The ITIL 4 definition of a service is as follows: "A (service) is a means of enabling value co-creation by facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve, without the customer having to manage specific costs and risks." One of the key sections of this new definition is "value co-creation" —this is a recognition that good service design and development is a partnership between clients who will use the service and the service provider.

Another frequently asked question is, do you have to charge clients in order for it to be called a service? Emphatically - NO! We offer many services at no cost to our clients, such as email, network services, Teams, etc. In fact, the majority of the services we provide are offered at no cost to our users.