Thursday, May 30, 2024

UTSA provides update on campus operations after Thanksgiving break

UTSA provides update on campus operations after Thanksgiving break

NOVEMBER 9, 2020Editor’s note: The following message was sent today via email from President Taylor Eighmy, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Kimberly Andrews Espy and Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President for Business Affairs Veronica Salazar Mendez:

You have all worked so hard these past few weeks under some exceptional circumstances.

Now that we have entered the second half of the fall semester, our thoughts turn toward our next transition taking place after the Thanksgiving break. We’re writing to share some important information about the last few weeks of the semester. These operational adjustments are designed to protect the health and safety of our campus community in light of expected increases in COVID rates through the winter months.

Starting Monday, November 30:

  • All classes will be conducted virtually and will remain exclusively online through the remainder of the semester. Final exams will take place as scheduled.
  • Campus operations will be very limited. Just like last spring and summer, some of you will continue to work on campus to serve our residential students, conduct research, keep our campus safe and maintain our facilities. Know that we are grateful to all those continuing to provide these essential on-campus services.
  • Staff work modalities will continue to be determined on a unit-by-unit basis, depending on the specific needs of each area. Please visit with your supervisor if you have questions regarding any post-Thanksgiving adjustments to your work modality.
  • On-campus research activities will continue.
  • Campus offices that are currently offering in-person appointments and services have updated information on their hours and services for the period between Thanksgiving and the end of the semester.
  • Campus Rec, the John Peace Library and the Student Union will continue to be open for our students with limited services. Student Health Services and Counseling & Mental Health Services will continue to offer their full suite of virtual services available through phone and video conference and to offer in-person appointments at the provider’s discretion. The Convocation Center will be used for intercollegiate athletics with an extensive safety plan in place.
  • Meetings and events should be conducted virtually whenever possible. Make full use of Microsoft Teams, Webex, Zoom and other meeting and collaboration tools available to you. Avoid gathering with colleagues in the same room unless it’s really necessary.
  • Limit your visits to campus. For faculty and staff on telecommuting agreements, know that you are welcome to go to campus for essential needs—to conduct research or pick up something in your office, for example. Otherwise, if you don’t have a specific reason to be on campus, please stay home.

If you have any questions about how things will run after Thanksgiving, please check with your supervisor, department chair or unit lead.

Above all, throughout these next few weeks please remember to take care of yourself, reach out for support when you need it, and stay virtually connected with your colleagues and support systems. Keep doing your part and be vigilant about wearing your face mask, social distancing and conducting your daily health check.

Thank you, as always, for your steadfast support of our students and UTSA. We are grateful for all of you!

UTSA Today is produced by University Strategic Communications,
the official news source
of The University of Texas at San Antonio.

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UTSA’s Mission

The University of Texas at San Antonio is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research and discovery, teaching and learning, community engagement and public service. As an institution of access and excellence, UTSA embraces multicultural traditions and serves as a center for intellectual and creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development and the commercialization of intellectual property - for Texas, the nation and the world.

UTSA’s Vision

To be a premier public research university, providing access to educational excellence and preparing citizen leaders for the global environment.

UTSA’s Core Values

We encourage an environment of dialogue and discovery, where integrity, excellence, inclusiveness, respect, collaboration and innovation are fostered.

UTSA’S Destinations

UTSA is a proud Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) as designated by the U.S. Department of Education .

Our Commitment to Inclusivity

The University of Texas at San Antonio, a Hispanic Serving Institution situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples and cultures for centuries, values diversity and inclusion in all aspects of university life. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans and other underserved communities, our university is committed to promoting access for all. UTSA, a premier public research university, fosters academic excellence through a community of dialogue, discovery and innovation that embraces the uniqueness of each voice.