Saturday, March 29, 2025

UTSA Texas South-West SBDC Network generated $598M in new business for clients in 2021

UTSA Texas South-West SBDC Network generated $598M in new business for clients in 2021

Element Kombucha has tapped the UTSA Texas South-West Small Business Development Center many times. Photo courtesy of Element Kombucha.

APRIL 5, 2022 — Small businesses in Texas were able to survive the past year—and in many cases, thrive—despite the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key to their success was the UTSA Texas South-West Small Business Development Center (TXSW SBDC) Network. As a result of the network’s advising and training programs, its clients generated a total of $598 million worth of new sales, contacts and exports over the course of 2021, according to the TXSW SBDC annual report.

The network’s clients reported an average sales growth of 11% in 2021, even as many Texas businesses saw their sales decline an average 5.4% over the same period, the report states.

The center generated a return of $7.16 for every dollar invested, according to Albert Salgado, executive director of the TXSW SBDC Texas South-West SBDC Network.

“We assisted over 31,000 small businesses in our 79-county service delivery area,” said Salgado, adding that they helped the network’s clients gain traction and move forward despite the challenges of the pandemic.

“The recovery and success stories of these business owners and entrepreneurs demonstrate the resilience and resourcefulness that enabled them to grow their revenues, retain employees, and generate impressive state and federal taxes,” he said. “Together with our stakeholders, we will continue to foster business success, yielding impressive client economic impact for the State of Texas.”

“We will continue to foster business success, yielding impressive client economic impact for the State of Texas.”

Element Kombucha, a locally based specialty tea brewer and retailer, has tapped the TXSW SBDC many times.

"Of all the resources for small businesses in San Antonio, SBDC is the only one I’ve come back to again and again,” said Element Kombucha CEO Kevin Rayhons. “Their assistance during the pandemic helped keep us afloat and meet payroll, operating expenses and retain eight employees.

Learn more about the benefits and services offered by the UTSA Texas South-West SBDC Network.
Read the 2021 Annual Report to learn more about the network’s accomplishments over the past year.

In addition to helping its clients garner new business and improve their sales in 2021, the TXSW SBDC Network also:

  • Generated a total of $42.6 million in state and federal taxes
  • Generated $39 million in taxes for the State of Texas
  • Generated $294 million in new financing and investments
  • Served 31,651 businesses
  • Helped start up 454 new businesses
  • Retained 6,727 jobs
  • Created 1,399 jobs
  • Provided trainings and workshops to 25,099 participants
  • Delivered 7,852 consulting cases

Formerly known as the South-West Texas Border SBDC Network, the TXSW SBDC recently changed its name to align itself with the larger Texas SBDC Network naming structure.

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the official news source
of The University of Texas at San Antonio.

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