UTSA Discover
2008 VOL. 2
First Edition
About Us
Giving Voice
Safety ’Net
History Beneath our Footsteps
Regenerating Lives
Body of Knowledge / Knowledge of Body
Manufacturing Success


UTSA Discovery profiles exciting new research and other creative activities at The University of Texas at San Antonio. The inaugural issue was a great success. We believe you will find this second issue illustrates even more dynamic advances in research at UTSA.

UTSA’s strategic plan to become a premier public research institution identifies specific strengths in security, health, energy, environment, sustainability and human and social development. You will find a common thread in these areas running through the projects that are profiled in UTSA Discovery. Our cover story in this issue deals with lapses in cyber security, which can lead to identity theft, compromised emergency responses and potential terrorist attacks. It addresses how UTSA’s new Institute for Cyber Security is finding new solutions. Feature stories on voice injuries, dehydration and the regrowth of damaged bones showcase cutting-edge research in health. The article on our Center for Archaeological Research exemplifies studies that impact human and social development. In addition to these feature stories, other nationally recognized research activities are profiled in every section of the magazine.

You will also note that the discoveries emerging from these research programs do not remain dormant or “on the shelf.” UTSA has launched an aggressive collaborative program with other components of the University of Texas System for commercializing its intellectual property by taking these discoveries from the laboratory to the marketplace.

We believe you will enjoy this issue of UTSA Discovery. If you would like additional information, please visit the UTSA research Web site at http://vpr.utsa.edu.

Gracy Signature
Romo Signature
Robert Gracy,
Vice President for Research
Ricardo Romo,

© The University of Texas at San Antonio.


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