Roland K. Blumberg Professorship in Music
Tracy Cowden, Ph.D.
Roland K. Blumberg Professorship in Music
Professor, Music
Chair, Department of Music
Tracy Cowden’s research focuses on how music positively affects our physical and mental health in numerous ways, from enhancing emotional wellbeing to reducing the need for pain medication.
“There is mounting evidence of the health benefits of listening to or participating in music making, and yet arts-based experiences are not yet a part of the entire picture of health and well-being in the United States,” Cowden said. “While music has been used for centuries to comfort, uplift and energize us, through interdisciplinary research we are now learning the specific and awe-inspiring ways that the brain and body change in response to music.”
As a collaborative pianist, Cowden enjoys making music with others, whether in duos, chamber music or orchestral settings. Active as a clinician and lecturer, the UTSA faculty member has presented master classes and workshops on topics related to collaborative music-making and creative programming across the country. She has also been a presenter or performer at conferences including the National Opera Association, Music Teachers National Association, College Music Society, the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy, International Trumpet Guild, International Tuba Euphonium Conference, and the National Flute Association.
Cowden is a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music through the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) and currently serves as chair designate to the MTNA National Certification Commission as well as a visiting evaluator for the professional accrediting organization, the National Association of Schools of Music.
A Michigan native, she received her D.M.A. and M.M. degrees in piano accompanying and chamber music from the Eastman School of Music, and a B.M. degree in piano performance from Western Michigan University.