Political Activities: Your Rights & Responsibilities as a UTSA Employee

Updated as of August 29, 2024

As state employees, university personnel are entrusted with a significant responsibility to uphold the highest standards of integrity and public trust. To ensure adherence to these principles, various laws and policies govern employee conduct. These policies were recently reaffirmed by UT System in a memo to all UT institution presidents. The memo provides a detailed analysis of permissible and prohibited political activity on campus. 

In addition to the memo, employees should be particularly aware of the following specific policies:

  • University employees cannot use public money, official authority, work time or other state resources (letterhead, email, telephones) in support of a campaign or candidate and cannot coerce or restrict lawful contributions to a campaign or candidate.

  • Unless expressly authorized by UTSA, university employees cannot lobby elected officials, their offices/staff, or political candidates

  • University employees can support or oppose a campaign or candidate on his or her own time and contribute personal funds in his or her private capacity. 

  • Under Texas Education Code Section 51.9315(f) protected speech (including political speech) can take place in the university’s common outdoor areas subject to time, place and manner restrictions and without disrupting university operations. University employees can use UTSA's common outdoor areas for these purposes as long as they do so on their own time and otherwise abide by the aforementioned restrictions. 

Also note that—as recently confirmed by UT System—UTSA, its colleges and departments should not issue or express positions on issues of the day. This restriction only relates to official university statements, functions, ceremonies and publications.

The UTSA Office of Government Relations within the Division of University Relations serves as the primary institutional point of contact with all local, state and federal elected officials and their respective staff. Employees seeking to contact these officials or their staff in their official capacity should coordinate with Albert Carrisalez or Jason Hassay in Government Relations for assistance and guidance.

For any inquiries regarding the permissibility of specific activities in relation to university policies or state and federal law, employees should contact Jason King in the UTSA Office of Legal Affairs.