Schedule of Events

Health Professions Schedule

7:30A.M. – 10:00 A.M.

Representative/School Check-in

10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.

H-E-B Student Union (HSU 1.106)


 Information Fair:

  • Students and visitors will have the opportunity to explore multiple school programs and speak with admission representatives. The Information Fair is come and go as your schedule allows.


2:00 PM
 Health Professions Fair Ends

Tabling Information

Bacon ipsum dolor amet turkey corned beef kielbasa andouille ham pig, chicken beef tail ball tip filet mignon beef ribs meatloaf landjaeger. Beef ribs short ribs meatloaf alcatra. Leberkas fatback turducken shankle sirloin jowl pork tenderloin t-bone. Pastrami andouille jerky venison ball tip ham. Ham hock pork loin prosciutto meatloaf, short ribs spare ribs chicken t-bone biltong frankfurter sirloin tail jowl.