2006 Ithuba Activities

The UTSA team engaged in several activities, most of which centered on getting the project off the ground and in-country. Misty Sailors attended the launching of the Textbooks and Learning Materials Program in Accra, Ghana, on January 14th through 18th. Ricardo Romo, President of the UTSA attended with Sailors. Representatives of the other five implementing TLMP sites were also in attendance. The ceremony was led by First Lady Laura Bush and the President of Ghana and was held at the Accra Teachers Training College. In addition to the ceremony, the TLMP representatives attended two signing ceremonies, both associated with the Chicago State TLMP project and their partnering Ghanaian universities.

The UTSA TLMP core-project team members (Misty Sailors, Jim Hoffman, and Mark Condon) paid a courtesy and in-country assessment visit to South Africa between March 13th and 24th. The goals of this trip were to meet with our counterparts in the Republic of South Africa Department of Education, our READ collaborators, and our colleagues at the USAID/Missions. During our time in South Africa, we paid a courtesy visit to the DOE and Missions and we performed our in-country assessment visit.

The UTSA TLMP core-project team members began to construct the first sets of workshops that will be used to design and produce the texts for this project.



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