
The Academy for the International Study of Texts, Health, and Literacy


The Academy for the International Study of Texts, Literacy and Health (AISTLH) at the University of Texas at San Antonio is an interdisciplinary, international academy designed to improve the health of children and women in developing countries through the use of literacy in schools and communities, while simultaneously improving education in San Antonio and south central Texas. The objectives of the AISTLH are to:





  • Promote improvements in curriculum content to make curricula relevant to learners’ economic and social environment and allow for continuity through different grade levels;
  • Promote the adoption of appropriate teaching methods that involve students in the learning process;
  • Assist international education ministries in developing effective policy analysis and adopting effective personnel recruitment, training and monitoring systems;
  • Encourage girls in schools by removing gender stereotypes from learning materials;
  • Train teachers to use modern technology to strengthen communications within national education systems and linking those systems into regional and global networks; and to
  • Provide teachers in San Antonio and South Texas with opportunities to become more effective in their classrooms by studying the teaching methods used in underserved communities throughout the world.
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