

The mission of The Academy for the International Study of Texts, Literacy and Health (AISTLH) is to collaboratively address issues of literacy in health, gender equity and economic prosperity that reach beyond those faced in the Western Hemisphere with ongoing emphasis on partnership with South Africa within the framework of the Academy for the International Study of Texts, Literacy and Health (AISTLH).

Academy Charter
The ASTLH Charter, promulgated in October 2005, through a cooperative grant funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), RealeStudios and faculty from throughout the country, establishes the top-level organizational relationships (Figure 1) and academic and expertise described in the following Academic Leadership Areas.

Academic Leadership Areas
The Academy will bring to bear the primary objective of the Textbooks and Learning Materials Program and the African Book Community (ABC) Literacy Initiative, that is to enhance girls’ and boys’ learning opportunities in sub-Saharan African primary schools by providing 3.6 million copies of high-quality, cost-effective textbooks and learning materials by the year 2008.


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Education USAid UTSA