UTSA Space

Creating bold technological solutions for the space frontier

Discovery Science

Exploring the Universe from the Solar System to planets orbiting other stars to supermassive black holes in the depths of time and space

We collaborate closely with our Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) colleagues who are internationally recognized leaders in the exploration of the outer Solar System, heliophysics, planetary magnetospheres, solar system dynamics, and space weather. UTSA will welcome new colleagues in cosmology / early universe and planetary system modeling soon

Student researchers are not only prepared to be scientists but also gain skills for high-earning, data-intensive careers outside of academia.

Discovery science topics include:

  • Asteroids, meteorites, and planetary materials
  • Exoplanet detection and characterization
  • Galaxy formation and evolution
  • Interacting binary stars
  • Interstellar dust
  • Jet/accretion/blackhole (JAB) systems in galaxy nuclei
  • Milky Way stellar populations and stellar groups
  • Planetary atmospheres
  • Planet formation