Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

August 2015, Issue 8

Social Media Tips

Learning a New Languageā€¦The Social Media Language

Acronyms, abbreviations, emoticons, textspeak, and neologisms: Oh my!

Social media greatly influences languageā€¦not only typed, texted, and written, but also spoken language. I always advise people to get their point across in the least amount of words as possible. This is extremely important when working with students. Therefore, it is very important to learn and keep up-to-date with the newest terms, acronyms, and abbreviations.

Check out How Social Media is Changing Language, by the OxfordWords blog.

Submitted by —
Lydia Bueno
Interim Associate Dean of Students,
Director, Student Leadership Center & Student Center for Community Engagement & Inclusion,
Associate Director, Student Activities for Student Organizations & Programming

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