April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), giving us a time to reflect on the issues of sexual violence and its effects on survivors. Throughout the month, UTSA will host various events with a theme of Drawing Connections: Prevention Demands Equity to promote healing, advocacy and prevention education. We hope you’ll make time to participate by attending an event and sharing your support on social media.
UTSA’s Wellbeing Services is leading a Sexual Assault Awareness Month campaign with a wide variety of events that encourage learning more about our university’s culture of responsibility and available support services. We encourage you to learn more and help us build a safer campus community.
Social Media Support
Share your support on social media and participate in the #30DaysofSAAM Instagram challenge to signal that you support survivors and that you’re a safe person to reach out to for support.
Green Dot Bystander Training
Green Dot is an anti-violence initiative that promotes a culture of respect and provides training to help students learn strategies they can use to prevent personal violence on campus. Faculty and staff are invited to attend one of the 90-minute online Green Dot training sessions being held this month on April 13 or 27.
Advocacy Services
The PEACE Center provides confidential advocacy services to all Roadrunners who have experienced issues related to sexual assault, intimate partner/domestic violence, stalking or other sexual misconduct. PEACE Center Advocates provide consultations on reporting options and support to those navigating institutional and/or community processes. Advocates address the physical, emotional and academic needs of survivors to help them heal and prevent further violence. Learn more about these confidential services.
Report and Find Support
We encourage survivors to report and seek immediate support so that we can work together to keep the experience from impeding their goals. Steps and tools can be found on the Report It page.
Let’s make time this month to reflect on our campus community’s continuous efforts to increase awareness, improve transparency and implement critical prevention measures against sexual misconduct and violence. Together, we can make our campus safer for all Roadrunners.
With appreciation,
Taylor Eighmy
LT Robinson
Senior Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Students