Office of the President

In The News

Aug 22, 2024

A world class university for San Antonio

The UT System Board of Regents has asked Chancellor Milliken to work with us to develop a plan to merge UTSA and UT Health San Antonio to create a premier university that brings all of our individual academic, research and clinical strengths together to build a unified and profoundly impactful university of the future. Read more  
Jan 2, 2024

Update on the closure of the Office of Inclusive Excellence — it will not be repurposed

Last December, I shared news on the closure of the Office of Inclusive Excellence to comply with Senate Bill 17 (SB 17). In that message, I also announced the intended creation of a new office — the Office of Campus and Community Belonging — to be launched on January 1, 2024. After continued and considered evaluation, we decided not to launch the new office. Read more  
Nov 27, 2023

Preventing discrimination and upholding UTSA’s values

Like so many of you, I am deeply disturbed by the violence and suffering occurring in the Middle East. The situation is of tragic proportion. Likewise, I am troubled when I look at how the conflict is manifesting itself with dramatic instances of antisemitism and Islamophobic discrimination across our country, including on our college campuses. Read more  
Nov 21, 2023

Evolution of a vision: Eighmy shares updated strategic goals for UTSA

President Taylor Eighmy presented UTSA’s five-year long-range financial plan at last week’s University of Texas System Board of Regents meeting in Austin. Described as “An Evolving Vision for UTSA,”the financial plan is forward-thinking and highlights the results of UTSA’s important strategic plan refresh over the last year. Read more  
Nov 10, 2023

A message of thanks to our Roadrunner Veterans

It’s a tremendous source of pride for our university that 16% of our students are military-affiliated, and nearly 300 of our faculty and staff have served. The sacrifices you’ve made have not gone unnoticed, and I’m honored to call you members of our Roadrunner family. Read more  
Nov 7, 2023

It’s Election Day! Get out the vote.

Today is Election Day for the Joint Constitutional Amendments, General, Special, Charter and Bond Election. If you didn’t have a chance to vote early, now is the time to make your voice heard! Read more  
Oct 11, 2023

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Each October, our campus community reaffirms our commitment to a zero-tolerance environment for sexual misconduct and assault. To encourage continued education, Wellbeing Services and The PEACE Center are hosting various programs to inform all Roadrunners on the many ways you can get involved in our efforts to prevent domestic violence. Read more  
Aug 21, 2023

Colleagues, welcome to the 2023-24 academic year!

Welcome to a new academic year! If this is your first-semester joining UTSA, welcome to our Roadrunner community. If you are a returning colleague, welcome back. Read more  
Aug 9, 2023

Congratulations! UTSA achieves NRUF eligibility!

It is with great pride that we share UTSA has met the State of Texas’ eligibility criteria to participate in the National Research University Fund (NRUF) and successfully passed the audit by the State Auditor’s Office. Read more  
Aug 3, 2023

Congratulations to Veronica Salazar on her expanded role!

UTSA’s momentum of becoming a university of the future in the city of the future continues to advance us to new heights. With this evolution comes an opportune time to evaluate roles that align clearly with our institutional plans for growing enrollment, further developing our five campuses, leading capital projects and city placemaking, and enhancing and diversifying our streams of revenue. Read more  
Jun 29, 2023

President Eighmy addresses UTSA’s admissions policies

Today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning the use of race-based affirmative action criteria for college admissions provides me an opportunity to share some perspective with our Roadrunner community and clarify any possible effect on admissions policies at UTSA. Read more  
Jun 20, 2023

UTSA and Budget Updates Regarding the 88th Texas Legislature

Now that the 88th Texas Legislative regular session has concluded, I’m writing to provide general updates on several outcomes and their implications on UTSA, particularly around the state budget passed by House Bill 1 and signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott. Read more  
May 30, 2023

Interim update from the 88th Legislative Session

The 88th regular Legislative Session has concluded and we want to share an interim update on Senate Bill 17 (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and Senate Bill 18 (Tenure). Read more  
May 5, 2023

Updates on REDKE Leadership and Structure

We are writing to update you on several leadership changes in our Research, Economic Development, and Knowledge Enterprise (REDKE). Read more  
Apr 6, 2023

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)

Office of the President
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), giving us a time to reflect on the issues of sexual violence and its effects on survivors. Read more  
Apr 5, 2023

Update on the search for SVP Research and Economic Development

We are writing to update you on the status of the search for the next Senior Vice President for Research and Economic Development. After thoughtful consideration, we’ve elected to pause the search and re-commence later this year (or early next). Read more  
Jan 15, 2023

Leading SA: President of UTSA , Dr. Taylor Eighmy, discusses university growth

Dr. Eighmy shared details on the opportunities available to the San Antonio community. Read more  
Nov 29, 2022

Reaching the Midpoint of UTSA's Ten-Year Strategic Plan

Thanks to those of you who joined us yesterday for the town hall with President Taylor Eighmy and Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives Lisa Jasinski as they explored the key elements of UTSA’s strategic plan, the purpose of our mid-point refresh and how we can all play a role in advancing its progress. Read more  
Nov 11, 2022

A message to our Roadrunner veterans

I’m writing today to extend my gratitude for your service and to celebrate your contributions to our university and our country. I am continually grateful for the sacrifices you have made, and on this special day, I want you to know how honored I am to count you among the members of our Roadrunner family. Read more  
Nov 9, 2022

Strategic Compensation Plan for FY2023

Just over a year ago, we announced a multi-year comprehensive strategic plan to increase compensation, allowing us to recognize and invest in our outstanding faculty and staff. Today, we are pleased to share we are able to continue our focus on compensation in fiscal year 2023 (FY2023) as we continue to make UTSA an even better place to work. Read more  
Oct 24, 2022

Early voting starts today!

Early voting for midterm elections in Texas begins today and runs through Friday, Nov. 4. I am passionate about civic engagement, and I believe voting is at the very heart of our responsibility as citizens of this country. Make your voices heard and vote early! Read more  
Oct 9, 2022

UTSA expansion is essential to transforming San Antonio

It seemed fitting that the fifth edition of CityFest began with a panel titled, “The Future of Downtown,” staged at UTSA’s Downtown Campus, with opening remarks delivered by UTSA President Taylor Eighmy. Read more  
Oct 6, 2022

UTSA announces push to raise half a billion dollars — and it’s more than halfway there

The University of Texas at San Antonio announced the second — and largest — fundraising effort in its 53-year history late Thursday, a $500 million goal officials aim to reach by 2027. Read more  
Sep 30, 2022

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and an opportune time to reaffirm UTSA’s zero-tolerance environment for sexual assault and misconduct. We’re writing to share important information all Roadrunners should know, and the many ways you can get involved in our efforts to prevent domestic violence. Read more  
Sep 27, 2022

Let's Go 210!

Football season is here and our Roadrunners are back in the Alamodome for their first conference game on October 8. Last season we had tremendous support from the San Antonio community throughout our record-breaking season. Read more