UTSA delays semester start due to inclement weather. Classes are cancelled on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Be sure to check UTSA Today and the university’s official Instagram, Facebook and X channels for more information and latest updates.

Section V: Parking Permits

1. Issuance of Permits

The assistant vice president of Campus Services may issue a parking permit to any employees or students of the university and vendors or contractors operating on the campus upon payment of the appropriate fee. The assistant vice president of Campus Services shall allocate permits, at the assistant vice president’s discretion, among the faculty, staff, students, and visitors of the university in a manner intended to serve the needs of the university.

A parking permit will be issued upon application and payment of the parking permit fee to Campus Services. Eligibility for permits will be determined by the individual’s primary reason for being on campus, as either a student or an employee, except as may be determined by the assistant vice president of Campus Services, in the assistant vice president’s discretion, for certain class(es) of students providing services to the university. An individual is authorized to purchase only one permit, with the exception of a motorcycle permit, and may only use and display one permit at any time. A hangtag parking permit is transferable to any passenger vehicle being operated by or for the transportation of the permit holder or his /her registered carpool. Ownership of all permits remains with the university and is not transferable.

Each academic year, each member of a Campus Services approved carpool, excluding the permit holder, will be issued five (5) daily scratch-off permits valid for the space type of the carpool permit (“A” for faculty/staff or “C” for commuter students) in the event that a carpool member needs to drive to campus instead of riding with the registered carpool.

Bicycles operated or possessed on campus are expected to have a valid permit affixed and must be parked at a bike rack and in operable condition.  Bicycle permits are offered at no charge.

The assistant vice president of Campus Services may issue special permits for events to the host department.  Parking areas are subject to closure by the assistant vice president of Campus Services for special events, construction or other special circumstances. The assistant vice president of Campus Services may establish fees for special circumstance parking, including event parking.

Note: Prices are available in the Parking Fees Table – Appendix A

2. Classes of Permits and Eligibility

A. Employee Permits

Class "E" - Executive Officer Permits

Eligibility: Executive Officers of the university

Where: Valid in any space on university property, except Disabled spaces unless a State disabled placard or license plate is displayed.

Class "EX" / "ET" / "EB" - Employee Garage Permits

Eligibility: UTSA Employees

Where: Valid for parking in unmarked parking spaces in the specified parking garage and the DTC garages; surface A, B, or Commuter spaces; and “Reserved” spaces in Resident Lot 2, Resident Lot 4, Business Services Annex Lot, Center for Archeological Research Lot, Central Receiving Warehouse Lot and the Science Research Laboratories Lot. Not valid for parking in specifically marked university service spaces, or disabled spaces unless a State disabled placard or license place is displayed.

Class "EXR" / "ETR" / "EBR" - Employee Reserved Garage Permits

Eligibility: UTSA Employees

Where: Valid for parking in specially marked and unmarked parking spaces in the specified parking garage and the DTC garages; surface A, B, or Commuter spaces; and “Reserved” spaces in Resident Lot 2, Resident Lot 4, Business Services Annex Lot, Center for Archeological Research Lot, Central Receiving Warehouse Lot and the Science Research Laboratories Lot. Not valid for parking in specifically marked university service spaces, or disabled spaces unless a State disabled placard or license place is displayed.

Class "XN" / "BN" / "TN" - Garage Evening Permits

Eligibility: UTSA Employees

Where: Valid for parking in unmarked parking spaces of the specified parking garage and DTC garage from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and all day weekends. Not valid for parking in any other parking space on campus.

Class "R" - Employee Reserved Surface Permits

Eligibility: UTSA Employees

Where: Valid for parking in the surface Reserved and the following surface spaces: Employee Class “A” and “B” surface spaces, and Student Commuter surface spaces.

Note: Not valid in Dolorosa Lot.

Class "A" - Employee "A" Surface Permits

Eligibility: UTSA Employees

Where: Valid for parking in the Employee "A" surface spaces on campus, and may be used in the Employee "B" spaces or Commuter Student surface spaces.

Class "B" - Employee "B" Surface Permits

Eligibility: UTSA Employees

Where: Valid for parking in the Employee “B” surface spaces on campus. May be used in Employee “A” spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and all day on weekends or Commuter Student surface spaces anytime.

Note: Graduate students with an appointment of 19 or more hours as a Graduate Research Assistant or Graduate Teaching Assistant may purchase an Employee Class “B” permit.

Class "ED" - Employee Dolorosa Surface Permit

Eligibility: UTSA Employees

Where: Valid for parking in marked spaces in the Dolorosa Lot and the following surface spaces: Employee Class "Reserved," "A" and "B" surface spaces, and Student Commuter surface spaces.

Class "M" – Motorcycle Parking Permits

Eligibility: UTSA Employees and Students

Where: Valid for parking in spaces denoted for motorcycle parking. Not valid for parking in garages on any UTSA campus.

Class "Y" – Departmental Class "A" Daily Visitor Permits

Eligibility: UTSA employees and departments (not for student use)

Where: Valid for parking in the Employee Class "A" surface spaces on campus and may be used in Employee Class "B" spaces or Commuter Student surface spaces.

Class "F" – Departmental Class "B" Daily Visitor Permits

Eligibility: UTSA employees and departments (not for student use)

departmental funds through an IDT

Where: Valid for parking in the Employee Class "B" surface spaces on campus. May be used in Employee Class "A" spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and all day on weekends or Commuter Student surface spaces anytime.

B. Student Permits

Class "ST" - Student Tobin Avenue Garage Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students

Where: Valid for parking in the unmarked spaces in the Tobin Ave and DTC parking garages or Commuter Student surface spaces. Class “ST” permits may be used in Employee Class “B” spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "STR" - Student Tobin Ave Reserved Garage Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students

Where: Valid for parking in specially marked and unmarked spaces in the Tobin Ave and DTC parking garages or Commuter Student surface spaces. Class "STR" permits may be used in Employee Class "B" spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "SX" - Student Ximenes Avenue Garage Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students

Where: Valid for parking in the unmarked spaces in the Ximenes Ave and Downtown Campus (DTC) parking garages or Commuter Student surface spaces. Class “SX” permits may be used in Employee Class “B” spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "SXR" - Student Ximenes Ave Reserved Garage Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students

Where: Valid for parking in specially marked and unmarked spaces in the Ximenes Ave and DTC parking garages or Commuter Student surface spaces. Class "SXR" permits may be used in Employee Class "B" spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "SB" - Student Bauerle Road Garage Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students

Where: Valid for parking in the unmarked spaces in the Bauerle Rd and DTC parking garages or Commuter Student surface spaces. Class “SB” permits may be used in Employee Class “B” spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "SBR" - Student Bauerle Road Reserved Garage Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students

Where: Valid for parking in specially marked and unmarked spaces in the Bauerle Road and DTC parking garages or Commuter Student surface spaces. Class "SBR" permits may be used in Employee Class "B" spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "H" - Resident Housing Student Permits

Eligibility: UTSA Students with a confirmed Chaparral Village, Laurel Village, Alvarez Hall or Chisholm Hall Housing application

Where: Valid for parking in the unmarked spaces in Lots R1, R2, R3, and R4, R5, unmarked Commuter Student surface spaces and in the Commuter Student surface spaces at the Downtown campus anytime. Class "H" permits may be used in the Employee Class "B" spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "U" - Resident Housing Student Permits (University Oaks)

Eligibility: UTSA Students with a valid University Oaks Housing application

Where: Valid for parking in those unmarked spaces in the University Oaks, unmarked Commuter Student spaces and in the Commuter Student surface spaces at the Downtown campus. Class "U" permits may be used in the Employee Class "B" spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "RT" - Resident Tobin Avenue Garage Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students with a confirmed Chaparral Village, Laurel Village, Alvarez Hall, or Chisholm Hall Housing application

Where: Valid for parking in the unmarked spaces located in the Tobin Ave Garage, the unmarked spaces of the DTC Garage, and Commuter Student surface spaces at the Downtown Campus. Class "RT" permits may be used in Commuter Student surface spaces (Main Campus) and the Employee Class "B" spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "C" - Commuter Student Surface Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students not living in University Housing

Where: Valid for parking in Commuter Student surface spaces on campus. Class "C" permits may be used in Employee Class "B" spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "SD" - Student Dolorosa Surface Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students

Where: Valid for parking in marked spaces in the Dolorosa Lot and Student Commuter surface spaces. Class "SD" permits may be used in Employee Class "B" spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "Z" - Commuter Student Surface Evening Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students not living in University Housing

Where: Valid for parking in Commuter Student surface spaces on campus from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and all day weekends. Class "Z" permits are not valid for parking in Employee Class "B" spaces anytime.

Class "XN"/"BN"/"TN" - Garage Evening Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students not living in University Housing

Where: Valid for parking in the unmarked spaces in the specified parking garage and the Downtown Campus (DTC) garages from 4:30 pm – 7:00 am weekdays and all day weekends. Not valid for parking in any other parking space on campus.

Class "M" – Motorcycle Parking Permits

Eligibility: UTSA employees and students

Where: Valid for parking in spaces denoted for motorcycle parking. Not valid for parking in garages on any UTSA campus.

Class "S" – Commuter Student Daily Surface Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students not living in University Housing

Where: Valid for parking in Commuter Student surface spaces on campus; may be used in Employee Class “B” spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "K" – CV/LV/AH/CH Resident Daily Surface Permits

Eligibility: UTSA Students with a confirmed Chaparral Village, Laurel Village, Alvarez Hall or Chisholm Hall Housing application.

Where: Valid for parking in unmarked spaces in Resident Lot 1, Resident Lot 2, Resident Lot 3, Resident Lot 4, marked Resident spaces in the Barshop Rd Lot, and in the Commuter Student surface spaces at the Downtown campus; may be used in Commuter Student surface and Employee Class “B” spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Class "J" – University Oaks Resident Daily Surface Permits

Eligibility: UTSA students with a valid University Oaks Housing application

Where: Valid for parking in the unmarked spaces at University Oaks and in Commuter Student surface spaces at the Downtown campus; may be used in the Commuter Student surface spaces and the Employee Class "B" spaces from 4:30 pm to 7:00 am weekdays and anytime on weekends.


C. Retiree Permits

Emeriti Faculty will receive an Employee "A" permit at no charge.

Retired Faculty/Staff:
  • with no appointment will receive an Employee “B” permit at no charge
  • non-emeriti retirees with an appointment with compensation may purchase a Employee permit for the rate associated with the permit desired.
  • The value of the no-charge permit received cannot be applied to future permit upgrades and is not refund eligible.


D. Garage Permits

Permits are required for garage parking at all times, unless the vehicle is parked in a short-term paid parking space.


E. Other Permits

Class "W" – Recreation Center Permit

Eligibility: Any Recreation Wellness member, provided the member is not a registered student or employee of the University. As applicable, the university affiliated spouse of the member must purchase a valid Employee, Student, or Alumni permit.

Where: Valid for parking in Commuter Student surface spaces in Brackenridge Rd Lot 2 and Barshop Rd Lot when using the Recreation Wellness Center or intramural fields.

Class "N" – Alumni Parking Permit

Eligibility: UTSA Alumni Members provided the alumnus is not a registered student or employee of the University.

Where: Valid for parking in Commuter Student surface spaces only when visiting, attending events, or conducting business on University property.

Class "CV" – Contractor/Vendor Parking Permit

Eligibility: Any non-affiliated vendor, salesperson, technical representative, other service personnel (such as copier repairers), or University Advisory Council Member (Non-Affiliated). Students, faculty and staff are not eligible for vendor/service permits.

Where: Valid for parking in Faculty/Staff B surface spaces when conducting University business.

Class "V" – Visitor Parking Permit

Eligibility: Official Visitors or any department or organization requiring parking privileges for groups of visitors.

Where: Valid for parking in class of space designated on the permit.

Class "BK" – Bicycle Permit

Eligibility: Any affiliate of the University

Where: Valid for parking bicycles at bicycle racks.

Department Permits – Departmental Parking Permits

Eligibility: UTSA Departments

Intent: Give mobility and flexibility to the using department to move around campus.

Where: Valid for parking in the class of space designated on the permit for the expressed purpose of conducting official University Business. This permit may not be assigned to an individual and used in lieu of a regular parking permit.

Service Vehicle Permits – University Vehicle Permits

Eligibility: University Departments

Intent: Provides Campus Services the ability to identify UTSA vehicles.

Where: Valid for parking in university vehicle spaces.

3. Display of Permits

A permit must be displayed in accordance with instructions furnished on the permit. Each academic year, a UTSA permit holder will be allowed three warnings for parking a vehicle previously registered in Campus Services records in an authorized area without displaying the permit.

4. Surrender or Removal of Permits

  1. Termination of Relationship with UTSA: A permit holder shall return their permit to Campus Services for an upgrade/downgrade/exchange/return when the permit holder is no longer eligible for the issued permit. Permit holders are responsible for the permit fee for any permit not returned to Campus Services.

  2. Permit holders are required to remove and surrender their permit:

    1. In the case of a decal permit when there is a change in ownership of the vehicle
    2. When a replacement permit has been issued
    3. Upon revocation of the permit

5. Expiration of Permits

Permits expire on the date listed on the face of the permit.

6. Payment of Permit Fees

When an application is made for a permit, the fee charged will be for the entire permit period or for the entire unexpired portion of the permit period. See Appendix A: Parking Fees Table for specific permit fees. Permits may be purchased with the following payment methods:

  • Payroll deduction (for eligible employees only)
  • American Express, MasterCard, Visa, or Discover through MyParking
  • Checks or money orders (made payable to: The University of Texas at San Antonio)
  • United States currency

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7. Lost/Stolen Permits

A permit holder shall immediately report to Campus Services any lost/stolen permit and complete the associated report. Lost/stolen permits may be replaced for a fee of $10. Any permit recovered after such a report has been filed must be returned to Campus Services immediately. Use of a permit that has been reported as lost/stolen is subject to fines and penalties as described in these regulations.

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8. Permit Refunds

When a valid permit is returned any refund due will be prorated based on the number of full months of parking privileges remaining.

  1. All refund requests must be accompanied by the permit, permit remnants showing the permit number, or a lost/stolen permit report.
  2. Refund requests will be honored only if the person's parking and driving privileges have not been suspended and there are no outstanding charges or other debts remain unpaid.
  3. No refunds will be issued on or after March 1 for any permit purchased, except for those permits purchased for one of the summer sessions, if returned within two weeks of purchase.

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9. Exchange of Permits

Permits may be exchanged for an alternate permit for which the customer is eligible for, on a space-available basis, by exchanging the original permit and paying the pro-rated difference in cost (if applicable).

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10. Permit Misuse

Misuse of any permit shall result in confiscation of the permit, and no permit shall be issued to that individual for at least one year thereafter. Campus Services is authorized to suspend campus parking and driving privileges on University property for any person whose vehicle is cited for displaying a lost, altered, fraudulent, fictitious or stolen parking permit, or any UTSA parking permit not issued in accordance with these regulations. Students will be referred to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs and Faculty/Staff will have the matter forwarded to the appropriate Dean, Director, or Department Head for disciplinary action. Violators who are found in possession of a lost, altered, fraudulent, fictitious or stolen parking permit shall also pay the annual cost of the permit type they fraudulently used.

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11. UT Health San Antonio Permits

  1. Vehicles bearing the UT Health San Antonio parking permits listed below may park on UTSA campuses as indicated. All others may park in short-term parking spaces at the hourly rate.

    Parking Permit Reciprocity for UT Health San Antonio Parking Permits:

    1. Zones I and II permits are valid for parking in UTSA Employee A spaces.

    2. Zones III and IV permits are valid for parking in UTSA Employee B spaces (no park up privileges).

    3. Zone V-VI permits are valid for parking in UTSA Commuter surface spaces (no park up privileges).

    4. Motorcycle permits may park in designated motorcycle parking spaces.

  2. Parking in surface disabled parking spaces requires an appropriate state-issued placard or plates and a valid Zone I-VI permit. Disabled parking spaces are available in parking garages at the posted hourly rate.

  3. Reciprocity will not be honored for students enrolled at both institutions. When enrolled at both institutions, permits must be purchased for each campus.

  4. When parking at the campus offering reciprocity, the permit holder agrees to abide by the parking rules and regulations of the campus as if the permit holder had purchased a parking permit from that institution.

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