Startup Mentor

Are you ready to take your idea to the next level? Pair up with a startup mentor who will be a personalized fit, guiding you through your next business venture. Whether you're in the ideation stage, prototyping, or ready for market, we have a mentor ready to help you in your journey.

Identify Your Unique Place in Entrepreneurship

Let us guide you through the intricacies of entrepreneurship and find out where you belong with our comprehensive approach. The Five Venture Frameworks is designed to help you navigate and identify your unique place in the entrepreneurial landscape. Each framework serves as a valuable tool to uncover where your entrepreneurial strengths and passions lie.

For ventures and pitches built around buying and selling online, this category is perfect for businesses focusing on internet-based retail, marketplace platforms, and digital product sales.

If your venture or pitch centers on a physical location, this category welcomes brick-and-mortar stores, restaurants, cafes, and any idea with a physical presence.

Ideal for ventures and pitches centered on providing services, consulting, expertise, or specialized solutions to clients. Whether it's consultancy, professional services, or freelance work.

If your venture prioritizes making a positive difference in society or focuses on philanthropic initiatives, this category celebrates ventures dedicated to creating a better world.

For ventures and pitches built around innovations in technology. If your concept involves cutting-edge software, apps, hardware, or tech or health solutions.

Want to take your idea to the next level?
Connect with a Startup Mentor.