2007 Ithuba Activities


The PAC meeting was held January 25,2007.  Topics that were discussed were the many ways in which this project can be used that make it sustainable. One suggestion was to create Ithuba Writing Centers at the provincial level (the laptops will serve as the medium for the writing at these centers.) The center may also provide teachers with opportunities to interact with each other and university professors.  Another idea was for an exchange program in the





future. Questions were asked such as: Who will fund distribution? How will the books enter into the schools? Will the books go into the same schools in which they were developed? We must consider a process and that must be formalized.  The books might go into the prioritized schools (14 districts).



In January, workshops  #1 and #2 were held about Drafting and Revising Stories.  Dr. Sailors and Dr. Hoffman held a series of workshops with 19 participants and students from University of Pretoria. The workshop consisted of  four intense days of writing and writing instruction where 20 titles were selected to move on.

Workshop #1, Developing Stories, was conducted by Molteno trainers and was in Limpopo.  There was an overwhelming positive response from teachers.  Stories were uploaded to the database and were selected by DET to move forward.




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