2007 Ithuba Activities--cont.

The first Pilot Books,16 fast track titles, were sent to printer in July.  40 sets were printed for the launching ceremony and given to various stakeholders.  The Fast Track titles were to be printed in February and distributed with the next 34 titles. Workshop #3 was held by NGO’s  in June and August where new stories were selected by DET.  The field testing took place by teachers
between the first and second weekends of the workshop and all books field tested moved forward and were approved by PAC.






In August and September a video describing the process of Ithuba Writing Project was produced at UTSA.  It lists the Key Collaborators, all fast track titles, the press packet and was shown at Launching Ceremony.  A poster was created for Ithuba Writing Project and was distributed to schools with the books.  A Prototype for a bookstand was built for Launching Ceremony to show how books will be stored in classrooms in sets.


The Launching Ceremony was held September 10, 2007. The Minister of Education, Naledi Pandor, the US Deputy chief of mission Don Teitelbaum, and the Ithuba Writing Project held a ceremony at Dr. Mathole Primary School in Midrand’s Rabie Ridge for the launch of TLMP and in commemoration to World Litercy Month. 
200 Ithuba Writing Project participants and educators were in attendance for the celebration. The Lanuching Ceremony received press from several newspapers, radio and television stations.  2.3 million units, 137 titles were scheduled for 3 print runs in February/March 2008, June/July 2008, and September/October 2008.


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