MarCom Studio


Editorial Style Guide


gay / lesbian

Gay describes men and women attracted to the same sex. Lesbian is an acceptable term for a gay woman. Both are preferred over homosexual, unless in clinical context or references to sexual activity.

Use only when it is pertinent to a story and avoid references to "sexual preference" and "lifestyle."

gender expression

The innumerable ways people exhibit gender through their clothing, voice, hairstyles, body language, and behavior; gender expression may or may not be consistent with socially prescribed gender roles and may or may not reflect one’s gender orientation or identity.

gender identity

One’s concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither that can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth; the label people use to acknowledge and reflect their internal sense of gender orientation (or, in some cases, to hide that gender orientation from others)

geographic areas

Specific quadrants in San Antonio are two words, both capitalized.

East Side San Antonio.

Located on the city’s West Side.

North Side

South Side

East Side

West Side

Northeast Side


North East Independent School District

Westside Community Center


Use this abbreviation (without periods) for grade point average.


When referring to a grade, use a capital letter; quotation marks should not be used around letter grades. Use an en dash to indicate a minus sign:

a B– average for the course, a P/F course, a grade of I (Incomplete)

Pluralize single letter grades with apostrophes:

She got mostly B’s and C’s all year.

See also capitalization for more information.


Graduate refers to all postbaccalaureate degrees: master’s and doctoral programs.

UTSA has more than 170 undergraduate and graduate programs.
UTSA has more than 170 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs.


Use the terms Greek life or sororities and fraternities. When making a distinction between social organizations and professional or honorary organizations, say so. Capitalize Greek when referring to fraternities and sororities. Capitalize the proper names of the fraternities and sororities.


One word, no hyphen

Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf Coast is also acceptable, but use the gulf or the coast on second reference.

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