RISE Undergraduate Awards and Recognition

Thank you for your interest in the UTSA RISE Undergraduate program. After a long run at UTSA, the RISE Program has come to an end. The RISE Undergraduate program will end in March 2025, after serving its final cohort of undergraduates. Undergraduate training positions continue in our MARC program. Thank you!


Luis Flores

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award

Enrique Piedra

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award


Tanya Cruz

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award


Naomi Alyafei

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention

Cynthia Perez

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award

Kaitlyn Varela

Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Award

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award


Naomi Alyafei

Goldwater Scholarship

Elizabeth Cervantes

First Place 3-Minute Thesis Presentation Award (UTSA Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry Showcase)

Samantha Eaton

Third Place Poster Presentation Award (UTSA Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry Showcase)

Amanda Gomez

Life Sciences, Cell/Molecular Biology Presentation Award (SACNAS)

David Hall

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award

Linh Tram

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention

Sara Valdes

Second Place 3-Minute Thesis Presentation Award (UTSA Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry Showcase)

Maria Carmen Varela

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award


Paola Montufar Soria

Psychology Presentation Award (SACNAS)

Jessica O'Berry

Life Sciences, Microbiology Presentation Award (SACNAS)

Cynthia Perez

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention


Alexis Catala

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award

Sean Tritley

Neuroscience Presentation Award (ABRCMS)

Maria Carmen Varela

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention


Jessica Burch

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award

America Ruiz

Goldwater Scholarship

Best in Show (UTSA Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry Showcase)

Maria Carmen Varela

Best Undergraduate Student Poster-Neurobiology (UTSA COS Research Conference)

Jennifer Watts

Best in Show (UTSA Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry Showcase)


Melina Acosta

Best Undergraduate Poster Presentation-Mathematics and Statistics (UTSA COS Research Conference)


Zeliene Brown

Rising Researcher's Award

Trisha Hinojosa

First Place Undergraduate Poster Presentation Award (UTSA COLFA Spring Conference)

Ana Maldonado

Rising Researcher's Award

Mayra Pedraza

Best Undergraduate Student Poster-Chemistry & Biochemistry (UTSA COS Research Conference)

Edgar Sherman

Selected for NIH INRO Program

Received Postbacc Offers from Two NIH Labs

Marissa Wechsler

Best Undergraduate Student Poster-Regenerative and Molecular Medicine (UTSA COS Research Conference)


Stephanie Ikediobi

Selected for Dean's Student Council


Alexis Catala-Pepo

Honors College Scholarship

Presidential Scholarship

SACNAS Travel Award


Stephanie Ikediobi

Best Microbiology Poster Award (SACNAS)