RISE Undergraduate Program

Thank you for your interest in the UTSA RISE Undergraduate program. After a long run at UTSA, the RISE Program has come to an end. The RISE Undergraduate program will end in March 2025, after serving its final cohort of undergraduates. Undergraduate training positions continue in our MARC program. Thank you!

The NIH/NIGMS-funded RISE (Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement) program is designed to assist underrepresented students to attain their doctoral degrees in the biomedical and behavioral sciences.

The UTSA RISE Undergraduate program supports research training for students who are interested in developing professional careers as research scientists. This federally funded training program is designed to ensure that talented and motivated minority or disadvantaged students are able to obtain the background and skills that they need to enter and succeed in doctoral education.

student presenting poster

All RISE participants perform original scientific research and present their findings at scientific meetings. They take courses and participate in activities to enhance their professional and leadership development. They are introduced to a broad range of scientific disciplines and are provided with networking opportunities with representatives of some of the nation's top research universities. It is the goal of our program that all of our students continue their education to higher levels, obtain their doctoral degree, and pursue satisfying research careers.

The RISE program has been active at UTSA since 2000, but is now in its last year of funding. To expend residual funds, we are also recruiting a cohort of final-year undergraduates on track to earn their bachelor’s degrees in Spring 2024, who desire a PhD but need additional preparation. We expect that most of these students will have minimal training in research. We will provide intensive research and professional training between Summer 2023 (full time participation required) and Spring 2024. Our goal is to help these students to develop at least into excellent candidates for postbaccalaureate and funded master’s program by the time they graduate and soon after gain admission to top doctoral programs. Funding will last through March 2024 but we are exploring means to funding trainees through graduation.

student group photo
Do you want a PhD but aren't eligible for RISE UG?

We are pleased to offer the UTSA MARC-2 Program.
MARC-2 information »

The RISE UG program is one of the training programs in the UTSA Research Initiatives for Scientific Equity (RISE) Office. See UTSA RISE Office for details about the programs.