RISE Undergraduate Courses

Thank you for your interest in the UTSA RISE Undergraduate program. After a long run at UTSA, the RISE Program has come to an end. The RISE Undergraduate program will end in March 2025, after serving its final cohort of undergraduates. Undergraduate training positions continue in our MARC program. Thank you!


All RISE trainees must take:

  • Biology I or Biosciences for non-majors
  • Two semesters of Honors Research credit (similar to Independent Study) in their major (6 credits total): BIO 4993, CHEM 4993, CS 4993, EGR 4993 (for BME unless BME 4993 is developed), MAT 4993, PHY 4993, PSY 4993, or STA 4993
  • BIO 4953: Research Careers and Professional Skills Development (1 semester of a 3-credit course; counts as upper division Biology elective)
  • University Sponsored Responsible Conduct in Research, Laboratory Safety, and Compliance activities

In addition, all trainees should complete:

  • Statistics or equivalent
  • Upper division courses pertinent to the focus of their laboratory (Biophysics, Biochem, etc.)

We believe that these additional courses will enhance student preparation for doctoral programs in the biological, chemical, or biologically-oriented computational sciences, without creating an overwhelming burden on students who are already carrying a heavy course load. Most, if not all, of these courses will be counted towards the individual student's degree program.


All RISE students are required to complete a COS, COE, or Psychology Departmental Honors with a thesis. Briefly, this will involve the creation of a manuscript that describes the student's research project. The format will be identical to that of an Honors Thesis and can also be used for College of Sciences Distinction in Research (for other colleges, check their requirements). See an extensive description of the thesis. Receipt of the final stipend check is conditional on submission of the thesis.