Chapter 2 - Faculty and Academics
Publication Date: October 31, 2002
Responsible Executive: VP for Academic Affairs
2.08 Appointments of Faculty to Centers within UTSA
This is not the current policy. For the latest, click here.
Faculty members at The University of Texas at San Antonio who have an interest in serving as an investigator or adviser with a research center may be recommended for appointment to a center staff by the director of the center as a Faculty Associate, Research Scientist, Research Associate, or Research Assistant. Questions regarding the use of the various titles should be directed to the Office of Human Resources. The director of each center shall initiate the recommendation for a faculty member's appointment to a center staff. Approval by the faculty member's Department Chair and Dean, the Dean of the College in which the center is located, as well as approval by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is required for each appointment. Each recommendation must be accompanied with a justification for the appointment that describes the contribution of the faculty member to the center. Appointments to the staff of a center are for one fiscal year unless the recommendation is made by the center director for reappointment. Reappointment will depend upon the approval of the Department Chair, the appropriate Dean, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Appointment to a center staff will not result in a reduction in faculty workload requirements except when a faculty member's time has been purchased by the center under a grant, contract or from another source of funds. In such cases, a Personnel Action Form must be submitted with the appointment recommendation to reflect the source of funds for the faculty member's salary. Nonsalaried appointments to a center will not be a budgeted item and􀂀 require a Personnel Action Form. The resources of such centers shall be available to all UTSA faculty members without the necessity of a formal appointment to the center. A Department Chair cannot simultaneously serve as the director of a center.