Employee Name Change

Legal Name

Your legal name is the name indicated on your Social Security card. This is the name that will be used to identify you in PeopleSoft. If your legal name has changed, please present your new Social Security card to the People Excellence office (NPB 451) so your employment record can be updated.

Preferred Name

Your preferred name is the name you want to be known as within the UTSA community and have appear in any UTSA system other than PeopleSoft. You can request a preferred name for use in the UTSA Directory, Banner, Outlook, Teams and your UTSA email address. Follow the steps below to update your preferred name. For questions, email People Excellence or call 210-458-4250.

If you have a student account and need to change your legal name and/or preferred name, refer to UTSA One Stop for required documentation and steps. If you are a UTSA student employee and have changed your legal name, you will need to present your Social Security card to People Excellence as directed above under Legal Name.

Request preferred name changes for the UTSA Directory, Banner and/or your UTSA email address through UTSA Directory Help. Log in to the UTSA Directory and select Directory Help on the left menu. Use the links found on the page to update your information. You can also update your Directory information by searching for and selecting your name. You will then have the option to update information, including a Preferred Name.

Directory Help

To update your name in Outlook and Teams, visit the Tech Cafe MyPortal. Use your myUTSA ID and Passphrase to sign in and type Display Name in the search bar.

My Portal